Friday, January 4, 2013

Call for prayer

One of my biggest frustrations in my Christian faith is my lack of courage in sharing the gospel. Yesterday, I was listening to Francis Chan and David Platt as they talked about being a disciple and the importance of being a fisher of men and making disciples. I was reminded of the importance of asking others for prayer. How easy it is to think that others have so many more worthy things to pray for, but how can we do any work for the Lord without the body of Christ lifting us up to Him? If we are to search scriptures, we see Paul consistently seek prayer from the church. Paul, the one who had courage to stand up against ruling authorities, to speak to thousands upon thousands of people, could only do so because He consistently asked the church to pray for Him to have the courage. Even Christ, who was fully God, asked His disciples to pray for Him. So here I am seeking your prayers for my life. 

This school year has been rough, but I know that while I wish my students' behavior, the amount of paperwork I have, and other people around me would change, the biggest change that needs to happen is in me. I've known all year that my heart attitude needs to be adjusted, but not known how to go about that.

Yesterday morning I was thinking about my schedule for the day when God asked why he wasn't first on my list. My response was that while He is a great priority in my life, he is not as urgent as other things, since He is always there. God was quick to confront me by reminding me that that attitude is exactly how marriages and relationships fall apart. If you don't put something above your work and other desires, that love will quickly drift away. Wow! How did I get to a place where God was not the focus, the epicenter of my entire life?

It is only by dwelling in Christ's presence that my attitude can change, by abiding in His peace that I can have peace through every stress-filled day, by resting in His love that I can pour out my love on my students, coworkers, flatmates, and others, by clinging to His word and His power that I can have the courage to share His gospel message that so many are desperately searching for. Please pray that I would be filled with the Lord's presence, peace, love, word, and power each day. Please pray that I would have the discipline to make God the most urgent priority of my every day. Please pray for opportunities that I can have to touch the hearts of my students, and to share the gospel of Christ with those who do not know Jesus. Finally, while this may seem trivial, please pray that my body would be healed of the cold I am fighting before I start teaching the new semester on Monday.

Please let me know if there are ways that I can be lifting you up in prayer as well.

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